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상품 게시판 상세
subject 만족
name 네이**** (ip:)
  • date 2023-06-17
  • 추천 추천하기
  • hit 64
  • 평점 4점
I’ve never bought pants like this before, so I can’t say if they are reasonably priced or not. But they do seem like good value for money. The elastic waist is convenient and comfortable and the legs are not too tight or loose. These are great for riding bicycle. I bought them because I have large legs and exercising wears out the crotch in jeans or cotton pants. I think these will last a long time. Highly recommended. I gave 4 stars, but I very rarely give 5 stars for anything.

(2023-06-16 13:37:59 에 등록된 네이버 페이 구매평)
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46576 언터처블 기능성 트레이닝팬츠 만족 네이**** 2023-06-17 64